Vizcab Score

Reduce the carbon footprint of your projects with Vizcab's environmental score

For a better understanding of the environmental impact of materials and informed construction choices, Vizcab introduces the Vizcab Score BETA .
Vizcab: environmental scorecard


of a building's CO2 impact can be optimized by changing 20% of your components.

1 min

to identify potential component improvements.


performance levels symbolized by the performance bars.

Improve the long-term carbon impact of your projects with the Vizcab Score BETA

With Vizcab's performance indicator, you can compare data and product impacts to make informed choices about the environmental performance of your construction projects.
Vizcab: FDES pvc window cover environmental scorecard
Vizcab: environmental scorecard for wood windows FDES
Vizcab: FDES wood window environmental scorecard

Vizcab supports construction professionals at every stage of their project

The Vizcab performance indicator is designed to make the impact of products easier to understand,
and to facilitate comparison between environmental data.

Vizcab: Measuring the Explo carbon budget

In Vizcab Explo

Compare the materials listed in the French EPD database (INIES) right from the design stage, for reliable construction choices

In Vizcab Eval

Variate your LCAs easily with Vizcab Score, which is incorporated directly into the product BOM.

Vizcab: French Standardized LCA reporting format  Eval export dashboard

Participate in building a standardized score

An indicator for the entire ecosystem

Vizcab: Manufacturers compare the carbon weight of their products, Le Moniteur

Manufacturers compare the carbon weight of their products

Vizcab: Article, the carbon score announced by Bruno Lemaire

The Carbon Score announced by Bruno Lemaire

Vizcab: Article, the Ines database and the digital republic. Le Moniteur

The French EPD database (INIES) and the Digital Republic

How is the
Vizcab Environmental Score calculated?

Our software extracts environmental data from complex documents such as environmental data sheets, relating them to the material family and name, in order to propose a performance comparison taking into account the product's lifespan and equivalent functional units.

This carbon score is calculated dynamically in line with France's environmental regulations.

This first version of the Vizcab Score BETA is deliberately broader than a simple carbon score, to explore the different impacts of construction products, using a multi-criteria approach.

A single score to aggregate all these impacts is also currently being developed in conjunction with the various stakeholders.

We look forward to hearing from you!

vizcab - ozone layer icon
Ozone depletion (kg CFC-11 eq,)
Vizcab: soil acidification icon
Soil and water acidification (kg SO2 eq,)
Vizcab: sea icon
Eutrophication (kg (PO4)3- eq,)
Photochemical ozone formation (kg C2H4 eq,)
Ecology icon
Depletion of abiotic element resources (kg Sb eq.)
Depletion of abiotic fossil fuel resources (MJ)
Vizcab: global warming icon
Global warming (kg CO2 eq)

How is the Vizcab Environmental Score calculated?

It was developed by Vizcab researchers, who have published over 50 scientific papers on the carbon footprint of products and buildings. It has also been the subject of a publication validated by the scientific community and presented at SBE-22 in Berlin to a community of experts from various European markets.

Vizcab: environmental scorecard for materials