The best solution for securing the France's environmental regulations liability commitment when building permits are submitted

Visualize and optimize the carbon impact of your projects to validate urban local plan compliance right from the design stage, with our decision-support solution.
Vizcab : Vizcab Eval 2 software

Approved by leading construction companies

Vizcab" logo WO² 2
Vizcab: Cogedim logo

Your trusted third-party building carbon platform

Assume your responsibility with peace of mind through relevant programmatic choices

Vizcab: an icon of building construction

410 000

new homes

This is the number of new homes built each year in France, with the France's environmental regulations thresholds having an ever-increasing impact, particularly those for 2025 and 2028.

Vizcab: an icon of hospital building construction


metropolises and territories

Who take the carbon dimension into account in their local urban plan, with the aim of achieving carbon neutrality over different timeframes.

Vizcab: low-carbon building icon


levers for decarbonization

Structural variants and facade optimization allow high carbon gains on projects and must be integrated before building permits

Model your construction project quickly with our association table and plug recognition algorithm.

Opt for high carbon gains by integrating bioclimatic thinking right from the design stage: by adjusting compactness, façade opening ratio and choice of materials.

Collaborate with all project stakeholders: developers, architects, economists... and collect relevant information in just a few clicks.

Put your trust in the French platform that pioneered digital carbon expertise for the construction industry.

Since 2016, Vizcab has been supporting building industry players in their ecological transition and adaptation to new standards

Following the example of Paris and its bioclimatic local urban plan, many cities and regions are now including carbon impact as a criterion for obtaining building permits, highlighting the more restrictive thresholds of the France's environmental regulations or specific labels.

That's why our platform offers several building LCA software and modules to support you throughout your construction project.

Accredited by the housing, planning and landscapes department (DHUP), our regulatory LCA software also integrates the sector's various labels, so that your low-carbon commitment is quickly identifiable.

We help you transform the way you think about carbon in construction

Browse our knowledge base, case studies and webinars, and make Vizcab your carbon management platform for a successful transition to low-carbon construction.

Vizcab: dynamic LCA icon


Consult our library of over 200 free resources covering everything from regulations and labels to contributor entry.

Vizcab: RE2020 construction


Connect with other Vizcab users, find inspiration, and discover tools to help you build a low-carbon project.

Vizcab: illustration of low-carbon co-construction

Let an expert guide you

For an LCA campaign or a specific need, Vizcab Partners and our team of experts can support you.

Vizcab: talent committed to decarbonizing the construction industry

A multidisciplinary team of over 50 talents committed to decarbonizing construction

Founded by Guillaume and Thomas, the Vizcab start-up is represented by LCA experts to answer your questions on a daily basis and accelerate your carbon transition, a web development team dedicated to the continuous improvement of our platform, and Saas product specialists to ensure an intuitive interface and interoperability with your business tools.

Vizcab: Kompas logo
vizcab: a-o-proptech logo
Vizcab: Banque des territoires logo
logorise.Rise PropTech Fund
Vizcab: Altur Investissement logo
Vizcab: Cemex Ventures logo
vizcab - global brain logo

Validated by the Tech community

vertical_town_of_tomorrow_logo vizcab
Vizcab: Microsoft Environmental Startup Accelerator logo
Vizcab: La French Tech logo
Vizcab: logo company promoting national industry
Vizcab: "impact 120
Vizcab: "Logo République Française" (French Republic)
Vizcab "Ademe logo
Greentech-innovation vizcab
U.S. Green Building Council