Case study

Métré Sud Est, a pioneering construction economist in LCA automation

Founded in 1989 in Génissieux, Métre Sud-Est (MSE ) has continued to develop its activities in the fields of engineering and building economics.

MSE is a multidisciplinary engineering consult ancy specializing in the building sector.

Vizcab: Métré Sud Est and Vizcab logos
Vizcab : Picto idea


Vizcab Platform

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Number of employees :

9 employees

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Creation :


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Building and civil engineering

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Vizcab: carbon saas icon

Website :

MSE employs 9 people in several areas of activity:

  • Drawings (draftsmen, designers): From preliminary design to execution drawings, MSE draws up customized plans and provides all its technical skills:
  • Drawing up estimated quantities for all trades: MSE uses working drawings to draw up quantities for the work on your sites, and draws up customized contracts based on purchasing conditions negotiated in advance. All that's left to do is hand over the purchase orders directly to the suppliers and craftsmen.
  • A reinforced concrete study in compliance with current seismic standards.
  • Project management (site supervision): coordinating the various stages of construction.
  • France's environmental and thermal regulations calculations and MVHR


For the transition to new France's environmental regulations in 2020, the design office was looking for a Life Cycle Assessment tool that would enable it to use the metrics generated by the Attic+ software as part of the economic study.

Problems encountered

As a specialist in single-family homes, MSE has an obligation to deliver accurate studies as quickly as possible in order to meet builders' expectations. In this context, the challenge in producing the LCAs was to automate production in line with the data already calculated previously, in particular the thermal study and the quantities of products via the economic study.

MSE is an extremely interesting and inspiring case study of how a Construction Economist can integrate carbon into its traditional activities. With a marked determination to create a harmonious process between its different tools, Métré Sud-Est has perfectly succeeded in its carbon transition by :

  • Automate the production of regulatory LCA studies thanks to our functions for importing measurements from costing software,
  • Parameterizing its macro-components to ensure the accuracy of its carbon results,
  • Drawing on the full range of functionalities to quickly generate presentable renderings for its customers, and RSEE export in regulatory format to obtain RE 2020 compliance validity.

Customer testimonial

"The LCA study takes 1? hours, or a maximum of 2 hours, depending on the complexity of the house, with precise results as long as our labels are well defined. The component import is very efficient, and we appreciate the automated PDF rendering as well as the French Standardized LCA reporting format generation required. In the end, we no longer need to use a huge Excel spreadsheet!

Support is very responsive, and responds very well to our requests."

Sébastien Montel | Construction Economist

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Métré Sud Est benefits and results:

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Eval has been developed with a community of users, and enriched according to their feedback, to offer a natural, easy-to-use interface.

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Automatic detection and association of environmental data from the France's INIES EPD database speeds up data entry for your study.

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Data visualization and graphics such as impact sheets help generate clear, convincing studies.

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Vizcab: photo by Benoit Lehnig CTPO at Vizcab

The expert's opinion

Benoît Lehnig, Head of Product

One of the most important aspects of building LCA is the collection of building lifecycle inventories and theassociation of environmental data. When the lifecycle inventory is already available in the customer's digital ecosystem, in a standardized format such as BIMetré and generated from a stable material library, it's a fantastic opportunity to move closer to full LCA automation, and without any friction for the user. 

Being able to define and store in Vizcab coherent and durable associations between products from third-party software and their environmental data is the technological capability we have developed so that each interoperability created between software generating quantities and Vizcab can significantly reduce the time needed for LCA.

Regain control over the carbon impact of your projects

Centralize your construction project data and capitalize on close collaboration with strategic partners for fast, reliable calculations and analyses.

Vizcab: "Illustration of RE 2020 thresholds".