Case study
Cogedim: ensuring the environmental transition of its organization
Cogedim, a benchmark in new-build real estate, offers distinctive architectural designs, comprehensive solutions and personalized services to meet the needs of local communities. Quality of use, customer relations and environmental commitment are the hallmarks of the brand, which is part of the Altarea group.

Vizcab Platform

Number of employees :
1300 employees

Creation :
Against the backdrop of the fight against climate change, the shift to France's environmental regulations and market expectations, Cogedim called on Vizcab to accelerate the structuring of its approach to carbon in several respects. The aim was to generalize an internal carbon culture, capitalizing on all feedback to find relevant levers at project level, but also for the organization's overall trajectory.
Both at operational level, by giving technical teams the relevant tools to work on their real estate projects on a daily basis, and to capitalize on the intelligence gathered to implement a dynamic of continuous improvement, but also at strategic level to provide decision-makers with the right lines of thinking.
The Vizcab service
Alongside Cogedim, Vizcab has deployed a security and continuous improvement system:
- LCA campaign on more than 12,000 housing units and 40,000 m² of office space
- Series of regional training courses to disseminate feedback from the campaign and help people get to grips with the tools
- Deployment of the Vizcab customized tools series at Cogedim :
- Vizcab Library integrating Cogedim's library of building systems (macro-components + regional scenarios) developed by its technical department
- Vizcab Explo to estimate a project's carbon performance upstream
- Vizcab Exam with a personalized alert system in the event of an anomaly in an advanced study
- Vizcab Analytics to visualize and monitor your organization's carbon footprint
- Inies Explorer for real-time industrial data to guide large-scale decarbonization choices
- And regular regular exchanges to share knowledge and ideas.
The Vizcab service
- Already over 300 buildings with LCAs carried out/verified,
- 7 regional training and awareness-raising workshops on carbon issues,
- 80 engineers equipped and trained in LCA for the residential and tertiary sectors.
Customer testimonial
"We would like to thank Vizcab for their real expertise in carbon management and for their day-to-day support! This partnership has enabled us to make perceptible progress in controlling the CO2 emissions of our projects and the solutions associated with them. emissions and the solutions associated with them. Our shared vision has enabled us to spread an efficient internal culture throughout our organization and our ecosystem of partners and manufacturers."

Benefits and results for Cogedim :

A real increase in the skills of teams and the organization around the carbon issue

Reliability of each project's carbon performance right from the feasibility phase

By consolidating results and capitalizing on feedback, we have identified the levers for improvement that will drive continuous improvement.

Managing the low-carbon transition in real estate
Collaborative tools to spread an internal culture and optimize carbon costs

The expert's opinion
Jérôme, Low Carbon Engineering Lead
We are proud to have been able to support Cogedim in their genuine desire to implement a virtuous carbon dynamic, both at project level and at the level of the overall organization. Cogedim quickly realized that a successful carbon transition requires a 360-degree vision across the entire project value chain.
Our greatest success lies at the human level: in establishing real consistency between the carbon objectives given to operational staff, and the tools they are given to achieve them, which simplifies the teams' day-to-day work and gives them a real sense of clarity.
Regain control over the carbon impact of your projects
Centralize your construction project data and capitalize on close collaboration with strategic partners for fast, reliable calculations and analyses.
- No obligation
- Unlimited support
- + 95% satisfaction