Quantify your carbon transition simply by capitalizing on your data

Use data intelligence to measure your company's carbon performance, and effectively track your carbon emissions for relevant reporting.
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Approved by leading construction companies

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Your trusted third-party building carbon platform

Share best practices to decarbonize your operations and automate CSRD regulatory reporting

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emissions in 10 years

To meet the climate challenge and achieve carbon neutrality, the real estate industry must divide greenhouse gas emissions by 2 on a global scale.

Vizcab: building plan carbon calculation icon


of the scope 3 carbon footprint of the real estate development business comes from its projects

Since August 2022, the calculation of scope 3 has been mandatory when producing the BEGES. As of 2025, the CSRD Directive will require all companies (from 40 million in sales + 20 million in balance sheet or 250 employees) to publish an ESG report validated by a third party.

Vizcab: construction schedule

3 months

for a carbon assessment

The data collection stage is by far the most time-consuming, and the lack of information and measurement of carbon data is an obstacle for scope 3.
However, for a property developer, this can quickly represent 3 to 4 times the emissions of scopes 1 and 2.

Easily explore and identify improvement measures at all levels of your organization thanks to granular, high-quality data, while accelerating your ESG reporting.

Model your construction project quickly with our association table and plug recognition algorithm.

Identify reference studies: relevant construction choices, certifying studies, construction projects, models and automatically integrate them into our Data-Lakehouse to disseminate best practices to your collaborators

Put your trust in the French platform that pioneered digital carbon expertise for the construction industry.

Since 2016, Vizcab has been supporting building industry players in their ecological transition and adaptation to new standards

Since 2014, with the NFRD, some companies have had to present a balance sheet of their greenhouse gas emissions in Europe with extra-financial reporting has become mandatory for all scopes

The CSRD, which replaces the NFRD from 2023, specifies that reporting will have to be more detailed on risks and impacts, and will concern 50,000 companies in Europe, in other words 5x more than today.

With our analysis solution, defining a carbon strategy and reporting on scope 3 is child's play!

We help you transform the way you think about carbon in construction

Browse our knowledge base, case studies and webinars, and make Vizcab your carbon management platform for a successful transition to low-carbon construction.

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Consult our library of over 200 free resources covering everything from regulations and labels to contributor entry.

Vizcab: RE2020 construction


Connect with other Vizcab users, find inspiration, and discover tools to help you build a low-carbon project.

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Let an expert guide you

For an LCA campaign or a specific need, Vizcab Partners and our team of experts can support you.

We help you transform the way you think about carbon in construction

Browse our knowledge base, case studies and webinars and make Vizcab your carbon management platform for a successful transition to low-carbon construction.

Vizcab: talent committed to decarbonizing the construction industry

A multidisciplinary team of over 50 talents committed to decarbonizing construction

Founded by Guillaume and Thomas, the Vizcab start-up is represented by LCA experts to answer your questions on a daily basis and accelerate your carbon transition, a web development team dedicated to the continuous improvement of our platform, and Saas product specialists to ensure an intuitive interface and interoperability with your business tools.

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Vizcab: Banque des territoires logo
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Validated by the Tech community

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Vizcab: Microsoft Environmental Startup Accelerator logo
Vizcab: La French Tech logo
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Vizcab: "Logo République Française" (French Republic)
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U.S. Green Building Council