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Gather your staff around a single interface to help reduce your carbon footprint

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  • Find out how the Vizcab platform works with support
  • Get expert advice on sustainable and low-carbon buildings
  • Get a personalized quote for a customized platform

Main features :




Why call on Vizcab?

Vizcab: picto rocket to secure carbon costs


intuitive and fluid, with a relevant machine learning algorithm

Vizcab: hand and heart icon

Always there for you

Our experts respond in less than 72 hours with a 97% satisfaction rate

Vizcab: square picto to secure carbon costs


Your subscription adapts to your needs

Vizcab: magnifying glass icon with eye


See our methodology in the FAQ section. Got a specific question? We'll get back to you within 72 hours.

Vizcab: cogwheel icon


France's environmental regulations (RE2020) accredited, BREAM, etc. certified ...

+ More than 3,000 studies have already been carried out by our European customers for 1.6 billion tonnes of carbon avoided

Frequently asked questions

How does Vizcab stand out from other online stroke offerings?

Vizcab is a collaborative platform for all players in the value chain: developers, lessors, architects, economists, engineers, manufacturers and general contractors. It does this independently, throughout the project, from sketch to delivery, with a dedicated team of sustainable & low-carbon building engineers.

And soon internationally!

What dimensions does Vizcab support?

Today, Vizcab offers an upstream and downstream carbon vision of France's environmental regulations projects (collective and tertiary) as well as an analysis at company level. The vision is to be able to offer you a platform that also integrates non-regulatory projects (renovation, single-family homes, logistics, etc.).

Do I need special expertise to use Vizcab?

Vizcab has been developed in collaboration with a number of different professions, so that it can be used by all of them: Architects, HQE Engineers, CSR Managers, Program Managers, Land Developers, and so on. We have designed it so that each of these profiles can use it without any particular expertise or training.

Are the 2025 and 2028 thresholds of the 2020 Environmental Regulations displayed on Vizcab Eval?

They are not displayed all at once, but are calculated on the basis of the date of the PC application and the date of the Gaz planning permission for the single-family home. They can be displayed in the interface. 

We are, however, considering the possibility of displaying thresholds simultaneously.

Are configured files taken into account in the Vizcab platform?

Vizcab is a partner of Edibatec's EDEC, and as such, we take into account the following configurators: BETie, SAVE, DE-bois, Environnement IB, DE-bois de France, Bankiz, DE-baie, Hirsh, PHARE. We have also integrated the following configurators: AKacia, CIELE, Hoffman Green, Vicat, Vinci, ThreeB in order to be as exhaustive as possible.