Don't lose carbon data from previous projects: use it to increase your profitability
intuitive and fluid, with a relevant machine learning algorithm
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France's environmental regulations (RE2020) accredited, BREAM, etc. certified ...
We would like to thank Vizcab for their real expertise in carbon management and for their day-to-day support! This partnership has enabled us to make perceptible progress in controlling the CO2 emissions of our projects and the solutions associated with them. Our shared vision has enabled us to spread an efficient internal culture throughout our organization and our ecosystem of partners and manufacturers."
Lucie Delaval | CSR Deputy Technical Manager
Vizcab is a collaborative platform for all players in the value chain: developers, lessors, architects, economists, engineers, manufacturers and general contractors. It does this independently, throughout the project, from sketch to delivery, with a dedicated team of sustainable & low-carbon building engineers.
And soon internationally!
Today, Vizcab offers an upstream and downstream carbon vision of France's environmental regulations projects (collective and tertiary) as well as an analysis at company level. The vision is to be able to offer you a platform that also integrates non-regulatory projects (renovation, single-family homes, logistics, etc.).
Vizcab has been developed in collaboration with a number of different professions, so that it can be used by all of them: Architects, HQE Engineers, CSR Managers, Program Managers, Land Developers, and so on. We have designed it so that each of these profiles can use it without any particular expertise or training.
Vizcab lets you select reference studies for each operation and each phase: programming, sketch, APS, APD, PRO DCE, EXE, delivery.
This integrates our data datalake, and the platform lets you analyze these operations at company or branch level, with customizable filters. You remain the owner of your data.