Building LCA training for all your needs!

A training course for every need, from raising awareness of new regulations such as RE2020, to practical case studies using our Vizcab Eval tool. After these training sessions, you'll know all there is to know about building LCA, the challenges of a low-carbon strategy, and our tools!

Vizcab: RE2020 E+C- LCA training course
Vizcab: illustration of low-carbon building construction
Vizcab: Illustration of women in LCA construction
Vizcab: triangle
Vizcab: RE2020 LCA illustration

Understanding and mastering the E+C- / RE2020-certified building Life Cycle Assessment.

- Reminder of training objectives and participants' expectations

- Start-of-training assessment test (quiz)

- General introduction to climate issues

- Life cycle assessment (LCA): general methodology

- Building LCA: General

- Environmental data in building LCA

- E+C- experimental methodology

- RE2020 methodology

Discussions and questions or further information.

End-of-training assessment test (quiz)

None, this training course is designed for designers, engineers, developers and investors who want to understand and start practicing LCA and prepare for the E+C- and RE2020 regulations .

Theoretical training

Last update : 06/12/2021

Vizcab: E+C- RE2020 LCA illustration

Perform an E+C- / RE2020-certified Life Cycle Assessment with our Vizcab Eval tool

- Reminder of training objectives and participants' expectations

- Start-of-training assessment test (quiz)

- Presentation of the Vizcab Eval input method

- Demonstrate the use of Vizcab Eval on the basis of a case study

- Independent practical exercise

- Exercise correction

Discussions and questions or further information

End-of-training assessment test (quiz)

Theoretical mastery of building LCA, E+C- and RE2020 experimentation

Training with Vizcab case studies

Last update : 06/12/2021

Vizcab: RE2020 and E+C- training illustration

Creation of a training plan tailored to your needs and level of knowledge

Customized training

None, this course is designed for designers, engineers, developers and investors who want to understand and start practicing LCA and prepare for the E+C- and RE2020 regulations.

Audit of your needs, your company's challenges and your level of LCA and carbon maturity.

Drafting of an intervention proposal by our low-carbon experts.

Creation of ad hoc training materials.

Face-to-face or distance learning

Last update : 06/12/2021

Vizcab: square

How to get there: On-demand, half-day distance learning courses.

For people with disabilities, we'll do everything we can to welcome you or redirect you. You can contact us by e-mail at

Find the General Sales Conditions and Internal Rules of our training courses here.

Training based on continuous regulatory monitoring

We are committed to collecting and valuing your feedback after each training session, to ensure continuous improvement of our content.

people trained since 2020
satisfaction rate
0 /5
recommend Vizcab
0 %

Last update : June 2021. These figures come from our satisfaction form sent out following a Vizcab training course.