Frequently asked questions
General questions
What configurations are required?
Vizcab requires no special configuration and is compatible with all operating systems. It is optimized for Google Chrome and Firefox browsers.
Vizcab Eval
What certifications are available through Vizcab Eval?
You can use Vizcab Eval for the following certifications or labels:
- E+C- label
- BREEAM, up to 5 points on Mat 01 target
- HQE certification
Is it reliable?
Vizcab Évaluation is accredited by the French government to carry out carbon calculations for the E+C- label.
Do schools integrate higher education?
No, for the moment we're only integrating primary and secondary education.
Are you planning to integrate Bbio, Cep, Cepnr and DH calculations into your software suite?
We do not plan to calculate the RSET part. However, we do plan to display the results of these indicators in the interface when the user imports a RSET.
How does the component import handle environmental and heal declaration sheet (FDES) configured after CSV import?
On Eval France's environmental regulations, if you select "configured" as the plug type in your import file, and you have already loaded your configured plug onto Vizcab, then the configured plug will be automatically associated with the component.
To what extent is static LCA retained? Are the results calculated dynamically to comply with thresholds AND statically, for information purposes?
Yes, the static calculation is for information purposes only. Nevertheless, it is necessary.
Is it also possible to export the report in Word format?
Not at the moment, we're considering it.
Are the 2025 and 2028 thresholds of the 2020 Environmental Regulations displayed on Vizcab Eval?
They are not displayed all at once, but are calculated on the basis of the date of the PC application and the date of the Gaz planning permission for the single-family home. They can be displayed in the interface.
We are, however, considering the possibility of displaying thresholds simultaneously.
Do you have any feedback to share with us on the results of LCAs carried out using the E+C- method (in static mode) compared with the results of LCAs carried out using the RE2020 method but in STATIC mode?
We have designed a simplified transcription module from E+C- to RE2020, so that you can quickly compare the two methodologies on Eval.
I'm not sure I understand the point of CSV import. It's the same as doing your inventory in Excel rather than on the tool, it seems to me, except that EHSFs are proposed automatically?
Depending on the project phase, the details of the data and the media available are not the same. Component Import is designed to adapt to different practices, and can be used in a variety of ways:
- Import a complete inventory already created in Excel.
- Import component names (automatic creation of components in the interface) and complete your input in the interface (quantity, environmental data). This allows you to take advantage of the automatic detection of files in relation to the names of your components.
More generally, it's a time-saving feature.
On the software, what criteria are used to divide the building into zones? How is a zone identified?
The building is divided into zones according to the zones defined in the RSET (Récapitulatif Standardisé d'Étude Thermique). Generally, a building is divided into several zones if it has several uses (housing, catering, offices, etc.).
To create the zones, simply import the RSET provided by the thermal design office.
Why are the sheets with the highest negative values among the 15 most "impactful" EHDSs?
We have chosen to show all the sheets that have the greatest impact on the project, whether positive or negative.
How do sunbursts represent negative values?
Sunbursts will evolve between now and the beginning of next year. Negative values will be represented as histograms.
Given that initially only housing will be subject to the RE2020, what will happen to buildings with multiple uses (e.g. residential and commercial)?
Only areas with uses subject to the RE2020 will be modeled. We do notparts of other uses. To find out how to allocate components between zones in the same building, please refer to the methodology.
There are no expected thresholds for the parcel element, but does it still have to be calculated on a mandatory basis for PC applications?
No, when you submit your PC, you just have to undertake to to be able to justify, in particular by means of a French Standardized LCA reporting format, after the declaration of opening of the building site has been made, that the requirements have been met.
Vizcab Explo
What type of project can Explo be used for?
To date, Explo has been designed for use on new multi-family housing. Eventually, it will be available for all new housing (single-family and multi-family), as well as for commercial and public buildings.
Do I need special expertise to use Explo?
Vizcab Explo has been developed in collaboration with a number of different professions, so that it can be used by all of them: Architects, HQE Engineers, CSR Managers, Program Managers, Property Developers, and so on. We have designed it so that each of these profiles can use it without any particular expertise or training.
What is a macro-component?
It is a set of components, associated with an environmental data and a quantity that can be taken into account globally in a life cycle analysis study, to define a constructive element such as a wall, a roof, etc.
How do you calculate your macro-component ratios?
These are based on our internal R&D work, feedback from our databases, and have been validated during beta-testing with our users.
What environmental data do you associate with your macro-components?
These are mainly DED (Default Environmental Data) or Collective Data when available. You can duplicate a macro-component and customize it.
How are prices calculated within your macro-components?
Our prices are obtained by aggregating several existing price databases, then refined with a team of economists. They can be edited by the user within the tool.
When I edit my macro components: does my whole team have access to them?
Yes, you can save them in your library and share them with your project stakeholders.
Can we compare variants?
You can create variants for your project, and compare their carbon impact and cost in euros.
Is it possible to update project parameters once a project has been created?
You can edit project parameters as you go along.
Is Explo interoperable with Eval?
It is possible to export an Explo to Vizcab Eval in order to maintain continuity within the project and save time on your Regulatory LCA.
Explo valid outside France?
For the moment, Explo is only available in the version adapted to the French Environmental Regulation 2020 (RE 2020).
Security: does the Vizcab community / other Vizcab users have access to my custom macro components?
No, only your team has access.